Achieving your perfect body shape isn’t always possible through mere dieting. That’s where body contouring techniques can be useful. These allow you to remove the fatty deposits that no amount of exercise and dieting will shift and help you to achieve the body shape you are striving for. 
Cryolipolysis is the best and safest option and the perfect alternative to more invasive surgical procedures like Liposuction. Although both techniques aim for the same goal, they are distinctly different in the approach they take to get there. 
The question - Cryolipolysis vs Liposuction: Which is right for you? could just as easily be framed another way – Surgical or non-surgical body contouring, which is right for you? 
If this is a decision you have been pondering, then this breakdown will give you the ins and outs of both procedures to help you choose the right option for your particular case. 
Liposuction – The surgical option 
Liposuction is one of the most common plastic surgery techniques performed to improve body aesthetics. 
What the procedure involves 
This is a surgical technique performed by a plastic surgeon, the details of a typical treatment are listed below: 
Liposuction can be performed under local or general anaesthesia. Which level of anaesthetic is used depends on the patient, the number of areas to be treated, and the amount of fat to be removed. 
During the procedure, the surgeon will make one or more small incisions into the area of excess fat. Then a tool called a cannula is inserted into the incision, this tool loosens the fat and then uses suction to remove the excess fat from the targeted area(s). 
The recovery period is perhaps the most traumatic aspect for patients that have undergone Liposuction, and you should expect a couple of weeks of downtime after the procedure. You will need to wear a compression garment and expect the treated areas to be bruised and swollen for a couple of weeks after the treatment, along with the usual symptoms that follow any surgical procedure, including feeling “wiped out” for a potentially prolonged period. 
In most cases, it will be necessary to return to have stitches removed after about a week. Overall, it will take around 6 months for everything to settle down and for the results of the procedure to become fully apparent. 
How much does Liposuction cost? 
The cost of Liposuction varies depending on your individual condition, the extent of the surgery and the techniques used. This will be discussed with the surgeon during the consultation process that determines your requirements, but it will usually include the cost of the procedure itself and all related fees, including the consultation fee, the clinic/hospital stay fee, the anaesthetist fee and all of your post-operative appointments with your plastic surgeon or nurse. 
Who is a good candidate for Liposuction? 
Good overall health is the first consideration, any surgical procedure that is undertaken voluntarily will require this. 
While non-surgical treatments like Cryolipolysis are great to get rid of mild to moderate pinchable fat pockets, Liposuction is better for people looking for a more dramatic transformation. Patients with skin laxity are often better suited for Liposuction because the skin can be addressed simultaneously during surgery. 
Cryolipolysis – The non-surgical option 
Cryolipolysis is somewhat of the new kid on the block but has already turned into the #1 non-surgical option as far as body contouring procedures go. It involves the non-invasive freezing of fat deposits, which kills or injures the fat cells, which are then broken down and excreted through the body’s natural processes. 
Because each session kills between 20% to 30% of the fat cells in the treated area, the necessary number of sessions will depend on the area to be treated as well as your desired results. 
Results are usually fully apparent 1 to 3 months after treatment, although changes can be noticeable as quickly as just a couple of weeks after the initial treatment. 
What the procedure involves 
This is a non-invasive procedure that can selectively target and kill fat cells using freezing temperatures. Because fat cells are more susceptible to these low temperatures than other cells, there is no peripheral damage caused during the treatment. 
The Cryolipolysis procedure uses applicators of different shapes and sizes that are all designed to work on different areas of the body. These applicators are used to cool the fat cells to low temperatures, which induce crystallisation within them, ultimately killing them off. 
The treatment is normally repeated over 1 to 3 sessions of 30 minutes until the desired results are achieved. This figure can vary depending on the amount of fat to be destroyed. 
Patients usually completely recover from the effects of the treatment after a few minutes. During the treatment, the skin suction and intense cold can be uncomfortable for a couple of minutes, but because the cold acts as somewhat of an anaesthetic, this quickly subsides. 
After the treatment, some patients feel a little discomfort as the cold skin is exposed to warm air, but this rapidly dissipates, and the technician will help this process by gently massaging the area. This massage also helps to break up the damaged fat cells. 
To help the body dispose of the fat, it is recommended that you drink plenty of fluids for a few days before and after the treatment. 
The best part is that there’s absolutely no downtime associated with Cryolipolysis, you can get back to work or to the gym immediately. 
How much does Cryolipolysis cost? 
The total cost depends on how many treatments are required. However, it is a much more affordable option than Liposuction, and here at Cryosculpt, our experienced practitioners can sit down and discuss a treatment plan based on your expectations and budget. 
Who is a good candidate for Cryolipolysis? 
Cryolipolysis isn’t a weight-loss treatment, rather it is aimed at those who have stubborn pockets of fat that aren’t shifted by dieting or exercise. It is also useful for toning the body after the completion of a weight-loss regime. 
It is a procedure that hones the appearance of the recipient, giving them the toned and sculpted look they desire. 
Choosing between Cryolipolysis and Liposuction 
For cases where there are larger fatty deposits, then Liposuction might be the better option, particularly where there may be further surgery like skin-tucks required. However, for smaller and more targeted areas, then Cryolipolysis with its non-invasive and risk-free approach is the ideal choice. 
For many people, the recovery time is understandably the issue that puts them off Liposuction. For this reason, it is better used only in cases where Cryolipolysis isn’t a realistic option. 
Ultimately which body contouring treatment you choose will depend upon your anatomy, goals, and expectations. 
For impartial advice about dealing with stubborn fat deposits, why not contact us today and chat with one of our specialists. At Cryosculpt, we specialise in Cryolipolysis, but we are here to help you make the best possible decision for your specific situation. 
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